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| Fun Videocast of D&D game |
Hilarisch filmpjes op youtube. Wat een leuke party :-)
http://www.journey-quest.com/ |
Gepost door Jeff op 22 oktober 2010 om 9:47 uur |
Collectie nu: Baldurs Gate, Planescape, Temple of Elemental Evil & Icewind Dale.
Geweldig! (Maar wie heeft er tijd voor?) |
Gepost door Jeff op 15 oktober 2010 om 21:59 uur |
| Baldur's Gate rerelease |
Rerelease, opgeknapt voor Windows XP, Vista en 7
Nog 6 titels te komen - ik hoop op Pools of Radiance :-) |
Gepost door Jeff op 27 september 2010 om 19:43 uur |
| The Expendables |
... is een vette film!!!! |
Gepost door Jeff op 21 augustus 2010 om 1:48 uur |
First clip is out!
EDIT: Hmmm, de link is blijkbaar moeilijk vanwege het streepje. Tuning? Help? :)
EDIT2: streepjes zitten blijkbaar niet in het protocol... |
Gepost door Jeff op 16 maart 2010 om 7:57 uur |
Dit noem ik een échte D&D kamer!!!
http://www.acaeum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8714 |
Gepost door Jeff op 7 maart 2010 om 18:17 uur |
| Leuk verhaal van Monte Cook |
Way back when, I was running a 2nd edition campaign while working at Wizards of the Coast. I'd just recruited a new employee, Chris Perkins, to join the game. Chris decided to play a lizardman named Ves. (This was very appropriate for the campaign at the time, because the PCs were in a vast swamp with no normal races anywhere nearby.) In a moment very soon after he joined, the PCs were dividing up treasure and someone handed Ves a potion (I think it was a Strength potion), his first magic item. Ves said thanks and popped it open and drank it down immediately.
I was startled. That isn't what you do with magic items. You save them. You wait until just the right moment, and then you use them.
I haven't forgotten Ves' (Chris') actions in the intervening years, however. Now, with 12 years more experience playing the game, I now think he did exactly the right thing. Generally speaking, a potion on your sheet accomplishes nothing. It only works if you drink it. And there will be more potions.
I look at my own character sheets over the years, and I always accumulate a long list of interesting and unique items, trinkets, and tricks because I save them up. So many that I'll never use them all. I save them for just the right moment, but even if that moment comes, I can probably only use one or two of them. Waiting for the right moment seems like the smart way to play, but (at least sometimes) that may actually be the opposite of the smart way to play.
Ves may have had it right.
Similarly, I look at the characters in the games I run, acquiring all the weird items (and often unique ones created by me) characters accumulate and never using most of them. Case in point, the HELPER vials from area 115. My PCs found them, took them, and figured out the anagram. They don't know exactly what they do, but they get the idea. I'm 100% certain, however, that they'll never use them. That was many sessions ago, and now even if someone mentions it, there will be other mysteries to explore and other strange items to figure out. They might think that they'll wait for some time when nothing's going on to further explore it, because that's what you do in real life. If you find an interesting article but don't have time to read it now, you put it aside and wait for some free time to read it. But this isn't real life. It's a game about going on adventures. So almost by definition, there's always something going on. (I have considered, after a dungeon expedition is over but before another starts, simply announcing to the players, "OK, this session we're just going to play out a week where you guys don't leave town, and instead just investigate stuff that's come before." Maybe I should.)
The moral of the story is that players shouldn't look at each magic item they find like they're never going to find another one again. Ves the lizardman was right. Just drink the potion now.
Gepost door Jeff op 26 oktober 2009 om 14:00 uur |
| 1 mile under the Earth |
| Pathfinder vandaag uit! (Hoop dat mijn boek vandaag aankomt) |
Als Paizo fanboy voel ik mij verplicht weer reclame te maken :-) (klik voor de rest)
How does the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game improve on the core 3.5 fantasy system?
Grappling a monster no longer requires you to have a master's degree in combat rules with a minor in spatial mechanics.
Using a polymorph spell does not require 3 different FAQ documents, 4 bestiaries, and a mountain of house rules.
Clerics can actually cast their prepared spells instead of converting them into healing.
Bards don't suck. Now they can make you die with laughter.
Monks don't suck. When they use flurry of blows they actually hit.
Paladins don't suck. Smite evil lasts until your target is dead.
Rangers don't suck. You really do not want to be a ranger's quarry.
Sorcerers don't suck. Bloodlines give you a host of cool powers and abilities.
There is now a reason to wear medium armor. With a good Dexterity score, you can get an AC of 19 by just wearing a breastplate.
Building the skill list of a rogue 5/barbarian 3/assassin 2 now only takes about 2 minutes.
Use Rope is gone. Climbing a wall requires only one skill check.
Spellcasters do not have to spend a bunch of ranks on Concentration (or any other skill) to be able to cast their spells in the middle of combat.
At high levels, a fighter can cause a character to become blinded and stunned with a critical hit.
At high levels, a paladin can cure a character that is blinded and stunned with a touch.
Curses, diseases, and poisons are now something that the players want to avoid contracting.
Putting together an encounter only requires you to add up the XP totals of the monsters you are using.
You do not have to wear a Christmas tree of magic items to be a successful adventurer. Monsters are designed with normal characters in mind.
Creating magic items now comes with the risk of making a cursed item if you are not well-prepared and careful.
You never, ever have to "de-level" your character.
With more healing and reusable abilities, the 15-minute adventuring day is a thing of the past. |
Gepost door Jeff op 13 augustus 2009 om 12:23 uur |
| Pathfinder rpg uitverkocht voordat het uitkomt! |
| Pathfinder preview #5 - Cleric |
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #5 [klik hier]
Cleric - met Fireball. Leuk!
Channeling 30' radius aangepast - óf healing óf undead beschadigen.
Concentration check for casting in combat - moeilijker, geen skill meer (extra skillpuntjes voor de toof). Level + stat bonus vs. DC 15 + (2 x spell level)
Nog veel meer interessante kijkjes onder de sluier |
Gepost door Jeff op 11 juni 2009 om 8:07 uur |
| Outlander |
| Meer humor |
| Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire |
Begint pas in April, maar lijkt wel grappig!
http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/krod_mandoon/index.jhtml |
Gepost door Jeff op 17 februari 2009 om 9:40 uur |
| Pathfinder RPG - 3.75? |
The Beta is out! Free to download HERE.
Nieuwe manier van Turning is ... begrijpelijk! Leuke nieuwe dingen voor wiz, fighter, rogue ... Polymorph problemen zijn ook opgelost wat mij betreft! Ik heb een papieren versie ook besteld, €15 voor een combinatie PHB DMG is niet veel, toch?
Wie zich niet wil registreren op de paizo site kan het ook hier pakken:
www.misterjeff.nl/images/beta.zip |
Gepost door Jeff op 16 augustus 2008 om 18:26 uur |
| D&D 4e Snelle opstartgids - in Savage Tide Campagne Extras |
Alsjeblieft! |
Gepost door Jeff op 18 mei 2008 om 10:59 uur |
| Paizo maken een eigen 3.75 RPG |
Alpha versie gratis te downloaden/ testen. Leuk ideeen tussen!
Link! |
Gepost door Jeff op 20 maart 2008 om 12:17 uur |
| Wat is jouw alignment? Of die van je karakter? |
| Nanotech + Nokia = Wow! |
| The Dreaded Gazebo (prieeltje, als je het nog niet wist) |
Een klassieker van de oertijd van D&D - kenden jullie deze al?
The Tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo
by Richard Aronson
In the early seventies, Ed Whitchurch ran "his game," and one of the participants was Eric Sorenson. Eric plays something like a computer. When he games he methodically considers each possibility before choosing his preferred option. If given time, he will invariably pick the optimal solution. It has been known to take weeks. He is otherwise, in all respects, a superior gamer.
Eric was playing a Neutral Paladin in Ed's game. He was on some lord's lands when the following exchange occurred:
ED: You see a well groomed garden. In the middle, on a small hill, you see a gazebo.
ERIC: A gazebo? What color is it?
ED: (Pause) It's white, Eric.
ERIC: How far away is it?
ED: About 50 yards.
ERIC: How big is it?
ED: (Pause) It's about 30 ft across, 15 ft high, with a pointed top.
ERIC: I use my sword to detect good on it.
ED: It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo.
ERIC: (Pause) I call out to it.
ED: It won't answer. It's a gazebo.
ERIC: (Pause) I sheathe my sword and draw my bow and arrows. Does it respond in any way?
ED: No, Eric, it's a gazebo!
ERIC: I shoot it with my bow (roll to hit). What happened?
ED: There is now a gazebo with an arrow sticking out of it.
ERIC: (Pause) Wasn't it wounded?
ERIC: (Whimper) But that was a +3 arrow!
ED: It's a gazebo, Eric, a GAZEBO! If you really want to try to destroy it, you could try to chop it with an axe, I suppose, or you could try to burn it, but I don't know why anybody would even try. It's a @#$%!! gazebo!
ERIC: (Long pause. He has no axe or fire spells.) I run away.
ED: (Thoroughly frustrated) It's too late. You've awakened the gazebo. It catches you and eats you.
ERIC: (Reaching for his dice) Maybe I'll roll up a fire-using mage so I can avenge my Paladin.
At this point, the increasingly amused fellow party members restored a modicum of order by explaining to Eric what a gazebo is. Thus ends the tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo. It could have been worse; at least the gazebo wasn't on a grassy gnoll. |
Gepost door Jeff op 26 februari 2008 om 19:39 uur |
| Leuk bericht over 4e editie. |
Van een 4E Playtester
What I am about to offer are my true feelings. Anyone who feels like dismissing what I have to say because of any assumed bias is cordially invited to stop reading now.
When I first heard about 4E, I knew I'd have to learn the rules so I could keep working. But I was fully prepared to do so only for professional reasons, and keep playing 3.5 in my own campaigns.
That has, thankfully, turned out to be utterly unnecessary. I am absolutely in love with the 4E system, to the point where I'm not sure I would even be willing to play 3.5 again. Seriously; I like the system that much more.
The mechanics are more intuitive, the characters more mechanically interesting and--here's the big one--I haven't found D&D combat this exciting in years. I'm having a blast with this campaign.
Are there a few things I'd like to see done differently? I think that goes without saying. There's no such thing as a perfect system for anyone. But on a scale of 1 to 10, measuring to what extent I like and agree with all the changes, 4E easily rates an 8.5 to 9.
I'm sold--not just as a writer, but as a fan of the game who's been playing since 1983.
http://mouseferatu.livejournal.com/519850.html |
Gepost door Jeff op 7 februari 2008 om 0:52 uur |
| Items in 4e Editie. |
One of our goals in 4th Edition was to reduce characters’ reliance on magic items. The most important portion of this goal involved removing a lot of the magic items that were essential just so your character could feel effective, like stat-boosting items, amulets of natural armor, and the like. We also felt like these items weren't as exciting as magic items should be, yet characters depended on them heavily to feel adequate in proportion to their level. We felt that the cool stuff a character can do should come from that character’s abilities, not his gear.
Items are divided by item slot, much like they were in D&D 3.5 (though it took until Magic Item Compendium for the system to be quantified clearly). As before, you can only wear one item in each slot. The number of slots has been reduced (by combining slots that were similar), to keep the number of items manageable and easy to remem-ber. You still have a ton of choices for items in the game, and when we were still using more slots, our playtesters reported that it caused information overload.
Primary Slots
We've preserved a number of items that have traditional “plusses.” These are the items we expect everybody to care about, and the ones that are factored into the math behind the game. If you’re 9th level, we expect you to have a set of +2 armor, and the challenges in the game at that level are balanced accordingly. Here are the primary item slots:
Weapon/Implement: Whether you’re swinging a mace or blasting with a magic wand, you have an item that adds to your attack and damage. These weapons also set your critical hit dice (the extra dice you roll when you score a critical hit, see the Design & Development article, "Critical Hits"). Even though this is called an item slot, that doesn’t mean you can’t wield more than one weapon, because that would make the ranger cry. 3.5 Equivalents: Weapons, holy symbols, rods, staffs, wands.
Armor: This category now includes cloth armor, so the wizard in robes has magic armor just like the rest of the group. Magic armor adds an enhancement bonus to your Armor Class. 3.5 Equivalents: Body, torso.
Neck: An item in the neck slot increases your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will defenses, as well as usually doing something else snappy. The most common items are amulets and cloaks. 3.5 Equivalents: Shoulders, throat.
Secondary Slots
These items don’t have enhancement bonuses. That makes them essentially optional. You could adventure with no items in your secondary item slots and not see a huge decrease in your overall power. Take what looks cool, but don’t worry about having empty slots.
Arms: These are bulky items that fit over your arms, such as bracers, vambraces, and shields. You’ll notice that shields no longer have an enhancement bonus. Instead, shields have special defensive effects and items you wear instead of shields, like bracers, are more offensive. 3.5 Equivalents: Arms, shields.
Feet: Focused on mobility and special movement modes, you can be pretty sure what you’re getting when you look at magic boots, greaves, or sandals. 3.5 Equivalent: Feet.
Hands: Thinner items that fit on your hands fall into this category. This includes gauntlets and gloves. They usu-ally help out your attacks or help your manual dexterity. 3.5 Equivalent: Hands.
Head: These items increase your mental skills or enhance your senses. Helmets, circlets, and goggles all fall in this category. Another major subcategory here includes orbitals, such as ioun stones. If you see someone with an orbital, it’s a good bet you’re dealing with an epic character. 3.5 Equivalents: Face, head.
Rings: This slot has changed quite a bit. A starting character isn’t powerful enough to unleash the power of a ring. You can use one ring when you reach paragon tier (11th level) and two when you’re epic (21st level). And before you get started about how Frodo sure as hell wasn’t epic, let's be clear: the One Ring was an artifact, not a magic item any old spellcaster could make. Artifacts follow their own rules. 3.5 Equivalent: Rings.
Waist: Items you wear around your waist are usually about protection, healing, or increasing your Strength tem-porarily. 3.5 Equivalent: Waist.
Other Items
Some items don’t use item slots. Some of them aren’t useful in combat. Others can be useful in a fight, but only once in a while.
Potions: Potions are consumable items, and they're mostly focused on healing effects.
Wondrous Items: This category no longer includes wearable items. These are utility items that don’t take up space on your body or act as weapons.
Here’s what my 11th-level gnome warlock, Dessin, is wearing right now:
Implement: +3 rod of dark reward
Armor: +3 leather armor
Neck: +2 cloak of survival
Arms: Bracers of the perfect shot
Feet: Wavestrider boots
Hands: Shadowfell gloves
Head: Diadem of acuity
Rings: None right now, sadly
Waist: Belt of battle
Wondrous Items: Bag of holding |
Gepost door Jeff op 24 januari 2008 om 1:23 uur |
| Forgotten Realms 4th Edition style |
Honderd jaar in de toekomst krijgen we 4e editie Realms.
Niet zo gek - best wel leuk....
Wat vind je zelf?
The Realms of 1479 DR
Ninety-four years ago, Mystra perished and the world went mad.
Unchecked, ungoverned, the raw stuff of wild magic danced across the world, wreaking terrible destruction. Cities burned, kingdoms fell, luckless people were changed into monsters, and mages went berserk. This was the Spellplague, a rippling outbreak of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of magical catastrophes that left no corner of Faerûn untouched. For almost ten years new outbreaks appeared here and there, striking randomly and without warning. Wherever they struck, chaos reigned.
During the Year of Blue Fire and the terrible years that followed, heroes all over Faerûn battled to contain the magical plague. In some places they succeeded; in others, they failed and died horribly. Places guarded by powerful, persistent magical wards were largely unharmed; the Spellplague flowed around mythals and other such mighty enchantments. But even then, some mythal-guarded sites fell prey to invasions of plaguechanged monsters or the spells of maddened archmages. No place was truly safe.
In many places, the Spellplague wrought drastic changes to the very shape of the world. The vast Underdark system beneath the western Shaar suffered a calamitous collapse, leaving a miles-deep pit the size of a country where the Landrise once ran. Thay’s forbidding plateaus were lifted thousands of feet higher, leaving many of its cities in ruins. The Priador and eastern Thesk are a maze of monster-haunted foothills beneath Thay’s daunting ramparts now. Fencelike ridges of glass spires, drifting earthmotes covered in weird aerial forests, towering mesas of whorled stone… all over Faerûn magical landscapes are interspersed with the common rock and root of the lands that existed before. Even in countries that survived the Spellplague more or less intact, these “changelands” stand as striking new landmarks—landmarks that sometimes harbor monsters never before seen in Faerûn.
In time, the fury of the Spellplague burned itself out. New outbreaks became fewer and weaker, and finally seemed to cease altogether. Pockets of “live” Spellplague still exist in a few places known as plaguelands; one of the largest is a vast waste known as the Changing Lands, where Sespech and Chondath used to be. Few people dare to enter such places, but from time to time they disgorge horribly mutated monsters, tormenting the lands nearby. No new plaguelands have appeared in decades now, and some seem to be weakening as the years pass. But the damage has already been done.
No one will ever be able to create a comprehensive chronology of where and when each outbreak struck, or how each town and city fared through the chaos of the Plague Years. Countless thousands of people fled from each new outbreak, migrating here and there across the continent. War, rebellion, and brigandage reigned unchecked. Mad prophets walked the world, preaching that the Spellplague was the wrath of this god or that and demanding repentance, sacrifice, or holy war in atonement. Anarchy descended over most kingdoms and lasted for a generation or more before some semblance of authority was reestablished. The world that emerged from the Plague Years was not the same Faerûn.
The Sword Coast
The Spellplague left the cities of the Sword Coast almost unscathed. Perhaps it was attenuated by the lingering high magic of ancient Illefarn, perhaps it was deflected by the efforts of mighty heroes, or perhaps sheer chance steered the magical contagion away from the Sea of Swords; however it happened, the Sword Coast looks much as it did a hundred years ago.
In Waterdeep the great walking statues hidden within the city arose for a single day and wrecked several wards, only to suddenly halt where they stood when the Spellplague’s influence retreated again. To this day the towering colossi remain standing where they were at that moment, while the city has been rebuilt around their stony waists. Waterdeep is still governed by its Lords, advised by the Blackstaff—the most powerful mage of Blackstaff Tower, heir to the lore of the mighty Khelben. The city remains a hub of trade and commerce; all roads lead to Waterdeep, or so it is said.
To the south, the city of Baldur’s Gate became a refuge for countless thousands fleeing the ruin wrought by the Spellplague in the lands south of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Where other cities and lands turned away such refugees, Baldur’s Gate tolerated them… and now, almost a century later, it is the largest city in Faerûn, sprawling for mile after mile along the banks of the Chionthar. Each group of refugees created their own neighborhood under the walls of the previous immigrants’ districts, and the city is a mad patchwork of crowded neighborhoods, each dominated by a single race or human ethnicity such as dwarf, halfling, gnome, Turmic, or Shaaran.
Across the Sea of Swords, the Moonshaes have fallen into a patchwork of small kingdoms. Caer Calidyrr still stands as the chief kingdom of the native Moonshavians (the Ffolk), but over the last century the powerful mainland realm of Amn has set its sights on this land. Amnite merchant-lords control much of the large island of Gwynneth, while the warlike Northlanders hold Oman and Norland. The Feywild, the realm of Faerie, lies close to Faerûn here, and from its shadows a dire new threat is gathering—the terrible fomorians, who dream of sweeping away the human kingdoms and subjugating the islands beneath their mighty fists.
The Empire of Netheril
Between the North and the Moonsea Lands lies a land under the dominion of shadow. The reborn Empire of Netheril now lies in the basin that once held the desert Anauroch. The new Netheril claims all of the lands that ancient Netheril once occupied, and seeks to dominate Faerûn just as ancient Netheril did twenty centuries ago. Much of Anauroch’s vast basin is still desolate wasteland, but the lords of Netheril have spent decades weaving mighty spells to summon water to the parched lands and fill the empty skies with rain. Slowly but surely, grassland grows over the dunes, and young forests cover the stony barrens.
Netheril is a magical tyranny, governed by a noble caste of shades—powerful human mages and lords who have exchanged their mortal essences for the stuff of shadow. Beneath the shade lords are the citizens of Shade, the ancient city-state that fled into the plane of Shadow when the old empire fell and survived many centuries in dark exile. They are a race of ambitious and masterful humans who strive to advance the power of their realm, hoping to earn the reward of transformation into undying shades themselves. When folk of other lands refer to “the Netherese,” they mean the people of Shade, both human and shadow-transformed.
Decades ago, the Netherese subjugated the nomads of Anauroch and many of the savage humanoid tribes inhabiting the desert. More importantly, the Netherese seized control of the wealthy nation of Sembia in the Twilight War just before the advent of the Spellplague, and they have not relinquished it since. Sembia is the crown jewel of the Empire of Netheril, and provides the Netherese with the wealth and manpower they need to bring more of Faerûn under their control. Only the fragile alliance of Myth Drannor, Cormyr, Evereska, and Luruar checks Netheril’s further expansion… and Netherese diplomats and agents work constantly to break the alliance apart.
While Netheril claims all of Anauroch and the neighboring lands, the Netherese are still few in number, and great portions of this desolate land are left to ruins and monsters. The ruined cities of old Netheril and the Underdark caverns of the monstrous phaerimm (now all but extirpated from the Realms) hold many secrets the shades want to remain hidden, and ancient treasures they seek desperately to recover.
Imperial Cormyr
Cormyr is a strong, stable kingdom that has benefited from back-to-back reigns by very capable monarchs. Azoun V, born in the troubling times at the end of his grandfather’s reign, went on to become a just, wise, and long-lived ruler. Under his rule Cormyr quickly recovered from the chaos of the Plague Years. Azoun V successfully resisted Netheril’s efforts to bring Cormyr under its domionion, and he fought Netherese-sponsored Sembia to a stalemate in a war 40 years ago, preserving Cormyr from Sembia’s fate. Late in his reign, Azoun V enacted a new code of laws that restrained the power of Cormyr’s restless nobility and established rights for commoners oppressed by nobles. His son Foril is now king of Cormyr.
Foril has ruled for 30 years now, and while he is not the legendary warrior his great-grandfather was or the brilliant law-giver his father was, he is a shrewd statesman and administrator. Foril continued his father’s reforms, and authored the alliance of powers that keeps Netheril at bay. Standing between Sembia and Netheril, Cormyr’s best security lies in firm alliance with Myth Drannor and the Dalelands. Cormyr is wealthier and more powerful than it’s been in centuries, largely due to the foresight and determination of the Obarskyrs.
Cormyr now controls Daerlun and Urmlaspyr, two formerly Sembian cities that managed to break away from that realm before the Netherese yoke settled completely over them. During the chaos of the Spellplague and the years that followed, the small cities on the southern shore of the Dragonmere turned to Cormyr for protection. Only ten years ago, the thief-ruled city of Proskur proved so obnoxious to the Forest Kingdom’s growing trade and prosperity that King Foril brought it under Cormyr’s authority as well. Not all of these territories are content under Cormyrean rule.
Adventurers in the service of the Crown find plenty of excitement in the Stonelands, the Tunlands, and the Stormhorns, where various monsters and savage tribes (some secretly sponsored by Netheril) cause no small amount of trouble.
Tymanther, Land of the Dragon Warriors
Along the shore of the Alamber Sea, old Unther was swept away by a catastrophic outbreak of the Spellplague. Where once ancient Unther stood now stands an arid mesa-land inhabited by draconic humanoids calling themselves dragonborn. This is the realm of Tymanther. The dragonborn have proven to be a proud, martial race, and in the decades since the Year of Blue Fire they have slowly tamed the ruined changeland from the Riders to the Sky all the way to the Black Ash Plain.
Some say that the dragonborn are creations of Tiamat, hatched from vast incubators hidden beneath temples of the dragon-goddess in the cities of Unther. Others believe that the dragonborn are descended from the human population of the old empire, changed by the touch of the Spellplague into something no longer human. But the truth of the matter is even stranger: As it did in many other places in Faerûn, the Spellplague opened the door to some other realm entirely, wrenching the aeries and castles of the dragonborn from their native land—wherever that once was—and depositing them amid the chaos of devastated Unther.
The dragonborn of Tymanther are highly militarized, and the “lords” of the land are those dragonborn who have proven themselves capable of leading their fellows. It is a harsh and unforgiving meritocracy, and each of the kingdom’s great clans is organized more like an army than a noble house. In the world from which they came, the dragonborn fought many terrible wars against true dragons, and they still harbor an ancestral hate for the winged wyrms.
Tymanther lies atop the rubble of ancient Unther, and Untheric ruins are common throughout the land. Even in its decline, Unther was a rich and populous land, and many palaces and treasure vaults of the God-King’s favorites still wait to be discovered. In other places, broken cities carried into Faerûn from Tymanther’s appearance are likewise storehouses of gold, gems, and magical artifacts. Unfortunately, many powerful monsters settled into these Untheric and Tymantheran ruins during the Plague Years, and still pose a deadly threat to those who delve too deeply.
The Changed World
This brief discussion touches on only a few of Faerûn’s myriad kingdoms and peoples. It’s a quick sketch of how a century has changed several familiar lands, and a look at one new land that has arisen during that time. Many of Faerûn’s most iconic locales are still what they were a century ago; wood elves still roam the High Forest, and pirates still sail the Sea of Fallen Stars. Other places such as Unther have changed drastically, as described above. But above all Faerûn remains a land of high magic, terrifying monsters, ancient ruins, and hidden wonders—the essential fantasy world for your players to explore.
In upcoming previews, we’ll take a more thorough look at other aspects of the new Faerûn—the fate of the Chosen, the nature of the pantheon, how magic has changed in the world, and an introduction to some of the new threats that now menace Faerûn. Good fortune and good adventuring until next time! |
Gepost door Jeff op 12 januari 2008 om 11:42 uur |
| 4th Edition info |
Het klinkt écht anders!!!
In General: As you already know, all races can select racial feats that allow racial traits to develop and expand as the character rises in level. Level adjustments are gone, with all the new races largely equal in power. It is also mentioned that when drow finally appear in some future text, many of their powerful racial abilities (levitation, darkness, etc.) will be relegated to feats to balance them out.
Humans: Now referred to as the most resilient race, they receive some kind of feat bonus (a little extra treat) and racial feats that involve dramatic action and dramatic recovery.
Dragonborn: No longer the race born of a special pact with Bahamut as presented in Races of the Dragon, these guys have been the lesser cousins of dragons since the beginning. In the Points of Light setting, they once ruled a mighty empire later destroyed in a cataclysmic war with the Tiefling empire, and are now organized into wandering clans which sometimes serve as mercenary companies. They have a reputation as honorable warriors who keep their word, but are sometimes arrogant and easily offended. Their racial feats involve things like breath weapons and wings.
Dwarves: Pretty much the same, but their back history now involves an era in which they were slaves to giants, which explains the enmity between the two races. It is also mentioned that most races, including dwarves, no longer possess darkvision (but dwarves have low-light vision). Dwarves also no longer possess a Charisma penalty, and their racial abilities are oriented towards the defender role and underground adaptation.
As an aside, it is mentioned that dwarf women do not have beards, and the new artwork makes them look a lot more feminine, which was intentional on the part of the designers.
Elves/Eladrin: These were once the same race, along with the drow. They inhabited the Feywild, a faerie realm that exists alongside the human-dominated one, but a war precipitated by the drow split the race into three. Basically, elves embody the nature-oriented aspect of elves, and eladrin the magical one. Other elven subraces will exist, but the differences between them will simply be culturalgray elves, sun elves and moon elves will be eladrin and wood, green and wild elves just elves. Not much is said about the racial abilities elves and eladrin possess, other than elves make for good rangers and eladrin good wizards.
It is also mentioned that 4E elves and eladrin will be taller in stature.
Halflings: These also get a stature boost, and will now be about four feet tall on average. They are now presented as a nomadic race that travels on river barges, one that is instrumental in promoting trade amongst the races, granting them something of an invisible empire across the land. They are differentiated from hobbits in that they are lean and athletic rather than portly (and now they wear shoes, too). Their racial abilities evidently involve luck, trickery and trade. It is also mentioned they are good at raising and training animals.
Tieflings: The 4E Tieflings evolved from the corrupt nobility of an ancient, powerful human empire that trafficked with devils to increase their power. As mentioned above, this empire was destroyed in a titanic war with the Dragonborn empire. Not much is said about their racial abilities, other than they have been expanded since 3E and they make good Warlocks. It is also once mentioned that they are charming, so I suppose the Charisma penalty is gone.
Other races: A Celestial race, Drow, Gnomes and Warforged are also evidently in the works, but little had been decided on at the time the book was printed, so I guess they wont be in the first Players Handbook. Warforged will apparently be a core race, and it is mentioned that construct immunities will be toned down in 4E. The Celestial race will not be called the Aasimar, and will be a race plunged through the same transforming fires as the Tiefling. Gnomes are apparently proving problematic to design--they went through several concepts and rejected them all, with no decision having been reached at the time the book was finished.
Power Sources: Additional power sources will be added in subsequent handbooks. It is stated, as an example, that there will be a Psi power source later on for psionics. Given this, the mind-affecting spells of wizards and clerics will be toned down or removed so that psions will have their own flavor. This is because the designers felt psionics werent different enough from magic before.
Prestige Classes: Gone. There are replaced by Paragon paths (Levels 11-20) and Epic Paths (21-30). These paths will include new abilities characters of the appropriate classes can select, and some are taken from the old prestige classes (mystic adept, arcane archer, and weapon masters are mentioned, as are some new options like Prince of Knaves). Epic Paths also have something to do with the characters destiny, and also open up new powerful abilities.
Level Bonuses: Characters no longer have different rates of progression for attack bonuses and saving throws based on their classthese all progress at the same rate now. Every 10th level character will have a +5 bonus to AC, to hit, and all three saves, though class abilities, feats and ability scores will influence these. Presumably, Defenders will have more class abilities that grant attack bonuses to make them the best combatants. Every character at first level possesses certain boosts to these traits as Star Wars Saga Edition characters do (so a fighter probably starts with a +2 Fortitude save bonus, etc.).
Feats: Certain feats require a certain character level, race or skill, but none require a certain class. This makes it easier to expand characters beyond their intended role if desired.
Alignment: One major change to this system in 4E is the fact characters can choose to be unaligned, having no significant impulses towards good or evil. Characters can still choose to be good or evil (law and chaos are not mentioned), but most characters and monsters will be unaligned. Unsurprisingly, most spells and powers that revolve around alignment are now gone.
Ability damage is gone.
Dragonborn scales are bronze or golden in color.
Elves are now as tall (or taller) than humans, though still very slender and graceful.
Halflings are described as having the tendency to "acquire" things due to intense curiosity (much as the Dragonlance kender do). They are now a bit taller than before, about 4 feet on average, weighing about 65 pounds.
Azers and galeb-dur are mentioned as once-dwarves who became completely enslaved by their ancient giant masters.
Tieflings are not human and demonic offspring, but are the true-breeding descendants of an ancient empire that made dark and terrible pacts with the Nine Hells. Their fiendish visage is actually a manifestation of a curse, due to their progenitors' crimes. They're more closely tried to devils than demons.
Known gods include Bahamut, Corellon (god of magic), Io ("the ancient diety," now dead and split into Bahamut and Tiamat), Lolth, Moradin, Obad-Hai (god of the wilderness), Sehanine (goddess of the moon), Tiamat, and Zehir (god of night).
Now on to the classes-five are detailed in length in the book. Presumably, these are the classes that will definitely make the first Players Handbook:
Cleric: One major change the cleric has undergone is that in addition to spells he or she will also possess rituals and healing prayers, which will encompass most of the healing spells the cleric possessed in 3E. (Presumably, these will be at-will, per-encounter or per-day abilities.) Consequently, cleric spells will now mostly involve buffs and combat spells (and a great many brand-new spells have been created for the cleric). Also, all classes will possess the ability to heal themselves to some degree (possibly the SW Saga Ed. second wind?), and Leaders are able to grant an increase to this ability. In sum, clerics will no longer be called upon to heal as much as they used to, and will be able to participate in battles more. It is also stated that clerics will not be as powerful vis--vis the other classes as they were in 3E, and that summoning spells have been removed from their spell lists (likely to appear in a later volume).
Fighter: In addition to receiving powers akin to the maneuvers in Tome of Battle, they will have a number of other abilities to increase their hardiness, stickiness (meaning the difficulty foes encounter in getting past/around them) and armor proficiency (they will have the exclusive ability to retain a greater amount of their Dex bonus than other classes while wearing heavy armor). Feats and fighter powers will allow a sword & shield fighter to accumulate greater AC bonuses and the ability to defend others.
Rogue: Not too much has changedsneak attack will still be vital for this class, but it will be even easier to set up. Virtually all monsters can be sneak attacked now, even golems and such. Rogues will still be the most skill-based characters, but the skill list has been streamlined and cut in half as it was in SW Saga Ed. (Hide and Sneak are one skill, etc.).
Warlocks: In 4E, these are arcane Strikers, able to do a great deal of damage to one or two foes at a time. They can align themselves with fey spirits, devils, demons or the stars and the darkness between them. Their abilities will include transportation effects, invocations, curses and a powerful melee attack called Soul Ruin. They also have the ability to use Pacts, meaning that it looks like they absorbed the Binder, and each Pact will grant per-encounter curses.
Wizards: Schools of magic are gone, replaced by foci (orb, staff, wand, with more to come in later books possibly). The orb foci involves terrain control and retributive and perception effects, staves ranged blasting, and wands long distance control and defense. In addition to spells, wizards will also possess rituals that deal with item creation. Metamagic feats are gone, though spells can still be boosted by Wizard powers and other feats. In addition, since characters can buy any kind of feats they want, it is mentioned that you could turn a Wizard into a 3E-style Warmage or Duskblade by buying weapon, armor and melee attack feats, as 4E Wizards no longer suffer from arcane spell failure in armor.
Following this, there is a section on Other Classes, with a few short notes about the other classes which were not so developed at the time the book was finished:
Barbarians: The 4E Barbarian will be all about the rage, with many different rage effects to choose from. They will also be more feralone cited barbarian ability involves him biting his opponent after his melee attack.
Paladins: Their powers are being completely redone, as the designers felt they were lacking in 3E (notably the Smite ability). Unsurprisingly, they will possess several different kinds of smiting abilities.
Bards: Drawing their powers from otherworldly patrons, Bards will possess many abilities related to illusion and mental trickery. They will retain their inspirational and lore knowledge abilities.
Druids: The 4E Druid will heavily emphasize sharp-changing abilities, and will possess a spell list with ranged firepower and utility effects.
Monk: Not much has changed-will probably be designed as a Striker.
Rangers: Also seem little unchanged.
Sorcerers: It is stated that Sorcerers will barely be in control of their magical abilities, but whether or not this means theyll function somewhat like wild mages is unclear. It does mention that a Sorcerer who casts a cold spell might have a protective aura of freezing cold around him afterwards for a short while.
Swordmage: Arcane Defenders who use magical protection as opposed to armor. They are designed as melee specialists with few ranged attack powers.
Warlord: Much as described before, but they also mention an example of a Warlord power called Feather Me Yon Oaf! (they often use humorous titles as stand-ins until they come up with the real one). When the Warlord uses this ability, his allies get an immediate action to draw a missile weapon and shoot the Warlords designated target. |
Gepost door Jeff op 12 januari 2008 om 11:41 uur |
| Een goed bevoorraden dwerg |
PS: Niet te veel rondsnuffelen daar, je weet niet wat je tegenkomt voor 2 februari. |
Gepost door Jeff op 21 november 2007 om 14:50 uur |
| Geen slaap nodig? Tijd om door te werken? Bekijk hier je kansen! ;-) |
| Behalve de consolidated lists heeft wizards nog meer leuke lijstjes |
Zoek je een leuk plaatje voor je karakter? Klik hier
Zoek je plaatjes of tekeningen die in een D en D boek staan? Klik hier
Gepost door Tuning op 28 september 2007 om 10:47 uur |
| Feats / Spells / Classes / Monsters |
Wizards of the Coast&trade heeft een mooi aantal lijstjes geconsolideerd.... een aanrader voor de mensen die graag op de hoogte zijn van de verschillende mogelijkheden en de boeken waar deze in staan!
Consolidated lists |
Gepost door Tuning op 14 januari 2007 om 12:23 uur |
| Monte Cook |
Adventures Rojoice! Een nieuw boek, en wat voor een!
Gisteravond binnengekomen, een 'variant players handbook'. Erg leuk en eigenlijk een verplicht alternatief voor de liefhebber. Ik noem wat highlights:- New Races: en nog leuker, je kan nu Racial Levels nemen
- New Classes: allemaal nieuwe classes en elke class heeft zijn eigen 'smaakjes'. Zo heeft de Totem Warrior een Totem (no suprise there) maar dat ontwikkelt zich met elk level. Bij de Bear Totem krijg je bijv. extra strength, reach (!!!), etc. Bij de Hawk krijg je beter zicht en kan je veranderen in een Hawk en dat allemaal al op low level!
- Hero Points: als je een spectaculaire actie doet kan je Hero points verdienen. Deze kan je inzetten om spectaculaire acties uit te halen in de categorie van: ik spring van de ballustrade, grijp de chandelier en swing met mijn zwaard vooruit zo boven op die orc. Of je gebruikt hem om een fatale klap om te zetten in een zware cripling actie (je loopt dan wel een zwaar lichamelijk letsel op: kreupel, oog weg, hand eraf etc. Meer fun in het spel!
- Free the DM!: de regels zijn iets minder in detail als in het regulier PHB met als doel dat het geen regel-neuk-exercitie wordt (I myself am guilty!). De DM heeft wat meer vrijheid, daar moet je met elkaar natuurlijk wel van houden.
- Monte heeft ook wat verwarrende zaken gesloopt zoals de partial actions. Je doet een move of een standard. In het hele boek is dit consistent gehouden. In de praktijk weinig anders, maar als je merkt hoeveel discussie en onduidelijkheid de partial bij de minder ervaren spelers opleverd is dit alleen maar goed.
- Magie: veel aan veranderd. Je hebt nu 3 groepen spells: simple, complex en exotic. Je class bepaalt welke groepen je kent. Je kent automatisch alle spells in een groep! Je moet nog wel 8 uur rusten en een uur studeren maar dit doe je aan de hand van aantekeningen. Bovendien mag je op de dag weer een uurtje gaan zitten en spells wisselen (niet bijleren). Leuke detail: hierdoor heb je geen 'pushbutton' clerics meer. Elke magie gebruiker kan een healing spell nemen, en veel classes doen iets met magie. Bij elke spell staat een uitleg wat er gebeurt als je de spell een slot lager leert of een slot hoger. Je kan spell slots inruilen voor hogere slots of lagere (een 3e inleveren, geeft je 2x een 2e, of 3x een 1e geeft je een 2e). Je wordt aangemoedigd om spells te combineren zodat nieuwe effecten ontstaan en je kan hier ook Hero points voor gebruiken
- Death: de oude regel van -1 t/m -9 gaat niet meer op. Je bent nu disabled, dying of death. Hangt af van je CON score en je CON bonus. Als je bijv. CON 16 (+3) hebt dan ben je disabled van 0 t/m -3. Dying van -4 t/m -16, Death -17 en beyond. Als je disabled bent kan je nog acties ondernemen maar krijg je wel -1 schade. Stabiliseren is niet 10% maar CON %, in dit vb dus 16%.
- Talents: specials feats die je een bepaald talent geven (Hero bijv.)
Verder lijkt het heel veel op het normale PHB, niet zo vreemd, Monte Cook heeft ook die geschreven. Sommige teksten zijn ook gekopieerd. Wel leuk: het boek bevat PHB en DMG in 1 boek. Je hebt dus meteen alles bij de hand. Het is een stuk handiger ingedeeld zodat je veel sneller de informatie kan vinden. Vooral merkbaar in het Combat hoofdstuk. |
Gepost door Pepijn op 11 januari 2007 om 15:08 uur |
| Movement in DnD |
Ai ai ai, WotC heeft een artikel geschreven om alle vragen over movement te beantwoorden, in het eerste deel (klik hier) zit gelijk al een verassing.
Diagonaal bewegen kost in het eerste vakje (en daarna alle oneven stappen) 5 ft. maar in alle even stappen 10 ft.!
Diagonal: Movement from one square to another through their corners. When measuring distances for movement, count the first diagonal (and all odd-numbered diagonals moved during the turn) as 5 feet and the second diagonal (and all even-numbered diagonals moved during the turn) as 10 feet. |
Gepost door Pepijn op 12 juni 2004 om 11:12 uur |
| Alles over polymorphing |
Op de WotC website hebben ze nu een special over polymorphing, het 2e artikel begint interessant te worden. Een hele serie uitspraken over wat wel en niet kan.
Klik hier voor het hele verhaal |
Gepost door Pepijn op 19 mei 2004 om 12:21 uur |
| All About Spell-Like Abilities |
| Metric System in DnD |
Jawel, speciaal voor die afwijkende landen in de wereld die in het Metric Systeem zitten, is WotC een serie artikelen begonnen die je helpen de conversieslag te maken.
Moeilijke materie! alleen voor geoefende DnD fans!
Klik hier voor deel 1 van het artikel.
Gelukkig zijn er weinig landen die Metric zijn! |
Gepost door Pepijn op 19 maart 2004 om 14:52 uur |
| Stacken van bonussen |
| Sneak Attacks uitgelegd |
| Coole Rulebooks |
Voor de liefhebber van veel boeken is er weer heel wat leuks opgedoken:
Ultimate Feats (Mongoose Publishing)
258 pagina's met alleen maar feats, YES!!!
The Quintessential Fighter (Mongoose Publishing)
Leuk boek voor de Fighters, voor elke class heeft Mongoose zo'n boek. Veel feats maar ook Fighting Styles (erg cool), called shots, equipment, prestige classes etc.
Hammer & Helm - A Guidebook to Dwarves
Erg mooi boek voor dwergen liefhebbers, veel feats, prestige classes e.d. Erg mooi voor fans van dwergen (kwijl).
Book of Vile Darkness (WoTC)
Only for the wicked! Lugubere spells en major power, dit boek houdt je als DM wel even van de straat. Gegarandeerd verafschuwd door elke party.
Fiend Folio (WoTC)
Naar eigen zeggen hebben de makers spijt van dit boek omdat de Mortality Rate van hun party nu omhoog is geschoten naar gemiddeld 50% :-)
Uw eigen DM Evil heeft natuurlijk al deze meesterwerken in zijn elektronisch archief zitten en broed een juiste toepassing uit. |
Gepost door Pepijn op 9 mei 2003 om 11:27 uur |
| De 10 geboden voor XP verdienen in Marco's Campaign |
1. Aanhoudend spelen in character levert extra XP op.
2. Risico's nemen met je character levert extra XP op.
3. Altijd in combat binnen 5 seconden beslissen wat je actie is en uitvoeren levert extra XP op.
4. Samenwerken en oplossend bezig zijn levert extra XP op.
5. De beslissingen van de DM alleen via het forum bekritiseren en niet tijdens het spelen levert extra XP op.
6. Werk maken van je character levert extra XP op.
7. Andere characters helpen levert extra XP op.
8. Memorabele acties en speeches leveren extra XP op.
9. Eigen initiatief tot avonturieren levert extra XP op. (m.a.w. jullie beslissen wat er gaat gebeuren en niet de DM!)
10. Het spelplezier voor iedereen verhogen levert extra XP op.
Gepost door Marco op 9 april 2003 om 15:34 uur |
| XP verdienen in de Silver Marches |
Even de mogelijkheden van de extra XP die te verdienen valt in de Silver Marches Campaign.
1. Aanhoudend spelen in character levert extra XP op.
2. Risico's nemen met je character levert extra XP op.
3. Altijd in combat binnen 5 seconden beslissen wat je actie is en uitvoeren levert extra XP op.
4. Samenwerken en oplossend bezig zijn levert extra XP op.
5. De beslissingen van de DM alleen via het forum bekritiseren en niet tijdens het spelen levert extra XP op.
6. Werk maken van je character levert extra XP op.
7. Andere characters helpen levert extra XP op.
8. Memorabele acties en speeches leveren extra XP op.
9. Eigen initiatief tot avonturieren levert extra XP op. (m.a.w. jullie beslissen wat er gaat gebeuren en niet de DM!)
10. Het spelplezier voor iedereen verhogen levert extra XP op.
Gepost door Glibness op 7 april 2003 om 12:16 uur |
| Groot wapen in 1 hand gebruiken |
Met de feat Monkey Grip uit 'Sword and Fist' kan je een groot wapen toch in 1 hand gebruiken. Je krijgt wel een -2 penalty op op je attack roll.
Voordeel is dat je nu ook met een groot wapen toch gewoon een schild kan gebruiken. Een schild is een goedkope manier om je AC omhoog te krijgen. |
Gepost door Pepijn op 29 maart 2003 om 14:35 uur |
| Dirty Fighting |
Zolang je geen 2 attacks per ronde hebt (6e level of hoger) kan het handig zijn de feat Dirty Fighting te nemen uit 'Sword and Fist'.
Als je dan een Full Attack uitvoerd doe je +1d4 schade. Heb je eenmaal 2 attacks per ronde dat heb je niks meer aan deze feat, het is namelijk of 2 attacks of dirty fighting gebruiken.
Het voordeel is dat als je niet meer dan 5 ft. loopt in een ronde, je +1d4 schade doet. Erg handig op laag level waar dit leven of dood kan betekenen. |
Gepost door Pepijn op 29 maart 2003 om 14:33 uur |
| Van 2 naar 4 attacks per ronde op 9e level |
Als je 8e level fighter bent en naar 9e gaat, kan het voordelig zijn een level ranger erbij te nemen. Je krijgt dan gemakkelijk Ambidex. en Two weapon fighting erbij.
Neem dan ook nog Improved 2 wpn Fighting (prereq. base attack +9) en je mag plots met beide handen 2 attacks uitvoeren. Ga je dus van 2 attacks per ronde naar 4!!!! |
Gepost door Pepijn op 8 februari 2003 om 11:24 uur |
| Min/max je Armor Class |
My 6th level cleric has:
-13 in Weaponsmithing
-Craft Magic Arms&Armor
-Craft Wondrous Item
Due to low con, and few fighters in the party, I`m going to be a major target for melee attacks.
How much can I boost my AC with equipment?
Currently this is my plan:
-10 Base AC
-10 +2 Mithral fullplate
-4 +2 Large Shield
-3 16 in Dex
Total: 27 pts.
Accordind to the character sheet, it looks like "natural armor" can stack with my plate.
This may be realistic, but I`ve got a feeling theese two don`t stack, even if the bonuses have different names??
Any other Goodies I can make at sixth level? |
Gepost door Pepijn op 8 februari 2003 om 11:21 uur |
| Two-Weapon Fighting |
Als je besluit met 2 wapens te gaan vechten, dan is het handig small weapons te gebruiken zodat je op beide een weapon focus bonus kunt gebruiken. |
Gepost door Pepijn op 8 februari 2003 om 11:20 uur |
Random insult |
Are you stupid or did you just take lessons? |
Voeg Tip toe |
Je kan alleen Sage Advice Tips toevoegen als je bent ingelogd. |
Overzicht gebruikers |
Klik hier als je een overzicht van alle geregistreerde gebruikers wilt zien. |